Out of 30 000 people in the traditional ‘’bar tabac’’ profession in France, 10 000 were expected at their Parisian demonstration and 20 000 showed up!
They marched the streets of Paris, scanding slogans about their right to save their businesses, the right of the French people to their bar tabac culture, for their right to associate and socialize and against sending their customers to the pavement!
They symbolically covered their mouths to protest not only because their government has taken away their privilege to enjoy a legal product but how they were muzzled by their government during the process of adopting the legislation for the French smoking ban that will enter its final phase on January 1, 2008.
C.A.G.E. would like to salute these brave fighters who are standing up not only for their rights but for the right reasons!
They don’t whine about unfair competition, they don’t fight for the right of people to smoke anywhere they please, and they are not unreasonable in any of their demands. No, they are fighting for the legitimate right of the smaller mom & pop private venues to choose whether they wish to cater to a smoking or non-smoking clientele, they are fighting for less stringent specifications set by their government for the ventilated rooms in the bigger venues, for their right to continue making a living selling a legal product and the right of their clients to be catered to in comfortable settings whether smokers or nons.
One thing is certain, the French ban will not happen without a fierce fight!
(Click on the image to read article in French)
La nouvelle qui nous parvient du site des buralistes en France, ne nécessite pas beaucoup de commentaires français car tout est dit dans l’article.
C.A.G.E. salue ces braves gens d’affaires, non seulement pour leur courage et détermination dans leur bataille contre des lois qui ne respectent ni les gens d’affaires, ni les citoyens, mais aussi pour les motifs qui les poussent à agir. Ils se battent pour le bon sens qui dicte qu’on n’envoie pas nos clients sur le trottoir lorsqu’on peut avoir des aménagements aptes à satisfaire tous, fumeurs et non-fumeurs, leur droit de gagner leur vie en vendant un produit tout à fait légal et leur droit à une discussion honnête avec leurs élus ! Bravo !
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