Sunday 7 December 2008


We have exposed in the past about how lowering the permissible BMI (Body Mass Index) levels creates millions of obese people overnight resulting in world-wide claims that there is a severe obesity pandemic. The perfect example of this ‘’obesity by definition’’ phenomenon is a new release from Indian health authorities who have recently adopted their very own norms that establish what makes a person fat. Indeed, while the WHO and many western countries lowered their BMI norms a few years ago from 27 to 25 thus creating millions of obese people across the world, in India they have adopted a BMI norm to be a further 2 points lower than the international level! The result of a 23 BMI norm, as per the article we link to below, is that the new parameters will bring millions of Indian citizens within the bracket of obesity. Reading about an obesity epidemic in the Indian and international papers should be forthcoming shortly since the table has now been perfectly set for the media to go ahead with the anti-obesity propaganda force-feeding. A few extra millions of obese citizens, are not a negligible customer base that can and will surely yield handsome dividends for the Big Pharma shareholders in their anti-obesity drug marketing.

What is further amazing is the way they’re selling these new low standards to the public. The explanation from public health, endorsed by several doctors, is that Indian people tend to be fatter around the waist, therefore a lower BMI target would most certainly be beneficial to their health. However, medical authorities if we can still trust them, seem to now agree that abdominal fat as in an apple shaped individual is a more significant risk for metabolic syndrome that can lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, than a pear shaped person. One can’t help wonder then, how targeting a lower general BMI will help a person that genetically carries much of his extra weight around the abdomen as it seems to be the case for men and a good number of women. If a person with for example a 23 ‘’ideal’’ BMI has slim members and a slim top but fat abdomen, how can public health claim that that person is at less risk than a person that has a 27 BMI but is well distributed across his body with no significant abdominal fat? One would think that the reporters would ask such pertinent questions of the medical authorities. Of course that would be too much to expect from today’s reporters!

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