Monday, 30 September 2013


Michael J. McFadden, author of Dissecting Anti-Smokers' Brains just published a new book - TobakkoNacht-The Anti-Smoking Endgame  a must read for those who want to understand the politics and ''stratistics'' behind anti-smoking and want tips on how to fight them back effectively. Available at Amazon.  

In his own words ''The decision to call the book TobakkoNacht came about from the substance of the dystopian story that serves as the opening to the book, from the strong impression of the importance of the lessons of the Holocaust that had been left with me in my studies in college and graduate school, and an increasing and depressing awareness of how those lessons were being forgotten.  I had doubts about using it as a title because of the power of what it was associated with, but as I became more and more aware of how few people under the age of 40 were even aware of having heard of Kristallnacht, much less having any concept of what it meant, I felt the reminder was justified.''You can read more about the book at

La traduction française de la préface de l'auteur du nouveau livre de Michael J. McFadden peut être lu à

1 comment:

linminjie said...

What Are The Attitudes Of Vaping From Vapers?
They aren't curious concerning saving cigarette smokers' lives. Over the last years or more, they've easily as well as deceitfully combined terms like smoking cigarettes, cigarette, and pure nicotine to purposely deceive the public, the media as well as the government to stealthily altering their strategy of attack on cigarette smoking to fit smokeless cigarette items, brand-new heat-not-burn things, as well as vapor products.juul norge