’ It’s a common enough argument around the world at the moment, that various unhealthy behaviours increase the costs to health care systems. (…)The only problem with the argument is that it is entirely gibbering nonsense, unhealthy behaviours reduce costs to health care systems’’
One of the best examples of why government can't be trusted with social policy.
Veil of secrecy lifts slowly on decades of forced adoptions for unwed mothers around the globe.
’ It’s a common enough argument around the world at the moment, that various unhealthy behaviours increase the costs to health care systems. (…)The only problem with the argument is that it is entirely gibbering nonsense, unhealthy behaviours reduce costs to health care systems’’
There is big money to be made with anti-obesity and they don't care who they hurt in the process of making it. Doctors will not be exempted from the stigma.
Conflicts of interest are running rampant in the anti-tobacco industry.
The ‘’Ottawa Model’’ is a blatant example of the same conflict of interests problem in Canada.
Please note how the program is strongly focused on NRT varenicline and buproprion.
And then note the conflicts of interest:
Robert D. Reid has received research support, speaking
fees, and honoraria from Pfizer, and is supported by a New
Investigator Award from the Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Canada.
Andrew L. Pipe has received research support, speaking
fees, and honoraria from Pfizer.
Is it any wonder that the same Andrew L. Pipe worked diligently to have the controversial Ottawa outdoor smoking ban implemented? Support creation of new smoke-free spaces
Since the link no longer functions, here's the letter he wrote in support of the Ottawa outdoor smoking ban.
Since the link no longer functions, here's the letter he wrote in support of the Ottawa outdoor smoking ban.
Support creation of new
smoke-free spaces
By Andrew Pipe, Ottawa Citizen February 6, 2012
Re: No smoking at Ottawa's outdoor patios, parks, Jan. 31.
I write to support Ottawa Public
Health for introducing a bylaw that will eliminate smoking in outdoor spaces in
The importance of limiting
exposure to second-hand smoke has been recognized for many years. Ottawa has
provided distinct leadership in addressing this important public health
challenge in the past; the adoption of the proposed bylaw will continue that
tradition of public health leadership. It is important to ensure that current
and future generations of Ottawans are provided with the opportunity to enjoy
smoke-free public spaces and facilities. Our children deserve no less.
Evidence continues to accumulate,
attesting to the reduction in cardiovascular incidents and deaths that follows
the introduction of smoke-free environments. At a time when the sustainability
of our health system is increasingly in question, it is paramount that we adopt
evidence-based, best-practice approaches to disease prevention.
Our public health department, the
board of health and our council are providing exemplary leadership in this
respect and their efforts merit our congratulations and support.
Andrew Pipe, Chief, Division of
Prevention and Rehabilitation, University of Ottawa Heart Institute
And speaking of Australia, you had better sit down stand up before you read this ‘’new’’ discovery. A study from the University of Sydney suggests doctors prescribe "reduced daily sitting time" to their customers. The study found that prolonged sitting will do us in within three years. So perhaps the first logical step is to remove all chairs from our kids’ classrooms before they keel over? Did we really need a study to tell us that moving around and exercising regularly is good for us? What did this study cost the taxpayers?