Little does it matter that contrary to what he claims alcohol consumption has decreased in Canada since 2004, the Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer, Robert Strang is launching a crusade against alcohol .
Alors que l’O.M.S. nous annonce qu’ ‘’en matière de boisson, il n’existe aucun seuil de sécurité’’ une étude norvégienne effectuée auprès de 149 729 personnes nous confirme qu’une consommation modérée d’alcool serait bénéfique pour le cœur et réduirait les risques de décès par maladies coronariennes de 40 %. Le Canada pour sa part, adopte désormais des nouvelles normes de consommation d’alcool.
‘’Smokegate’’ happened long before climategate as we can read from this 1995 letter from one of Australia’s top anti-smoker activists to his colleagues. http://members.iinet.net.au/~ray/ETS1.jpg
sur le réchauffement climatique.
l'ancien directeur des CFF a compris qu'on ne peut se priver impunément d'une clientèle qui représente 30 % de la population: les fumeurs.’’

Irvin Leroux, the beleaguered taxpayer who suffered financial ruin following a nightmare audit by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), has won the right to continue his lawsuit against the CRA in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.
pour la santé d’un bon nombre de personnes. Lire notre analyse (en anglais) à http://cagecanada.blogspot.com/2011/11/is-sodium-reduction-campaign-worth-ones.html
Nice collection!
From the Dandenong Weekly ink:
"Subtracting the financial costs of smoking to the health system at $300 million, plus taxes forgone (from statistical smokers) at $2.9 billion, from the $6.7 billion in taxes levied by state and federal governments on tobacco products, leaves $3.5 billion in profit."
How about that, huh? Why aren't these figures all over the MSM? Stupid question...I know...
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