Thursday, 7 April 2011


Refusing to be outdone by San Francisco for the prestigious title of Nanny Capital, New York City is considering banning fast-food toy giveawaysPerhaps Mayor Bloomberg’s next move is to force restaurants to offer only liver broccoli casserole or brussel sprout hash on the children’s menus?  

And NYC health workers are told what to eat and wear in cubicle area What’s next?  Telling them how often they should clip their toe nails and what type of toothpaste they should be using?

Le Tamiflu au coeur d'une polémique qui ne relève que des conflits d’intérêts flagrants entre l’industrie pharmaceutique et ceux qui conseillent nos élus qui sont sur le point d’investir des dizaines de millions de dollars  pour stocker un médicament que plusieurs disent avoir très peu d’effets sur les symptômes de la grippe.

In Spain, the post smoking ban heart attack miracles are now being reported before they even happen.  Closed spaces smoking ban resulting in fewer heart attacks in Spain

Avis à l’O.M.S. et à un nombre croissant d’hôpitaux et cliniques aux E.U. qui refusent d’engager des fumeurs même s’ils fument seulement en dehors de leurs heures de travail :  Le chômage augmente les risques de mourir prématurément si on en croit cette étude qui nous parvient de Montréal. 

From Springfield Missouri Springfield voters approved an indoor smoking ban by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent.  "Clean Air Springfield raised more than $82,000 in support of the ban. Other than a handful of local cash contributions, 99 percent of the total came from the American Cancer Society, the ACS Cancer Action Network and the American Heart Association. Live Free Springfield raised a fraction of that total -- about $16,600 at last report -- and members have been quick to tout the local sources of their funding."  --- It is actually impressive that under such unequal circumstances, 47% of voters still voted against the ban. 


À lire dans le site l’influence de Pfizer sur la politique de prévention du tabagisme.  ‘Tout bénéfice pour Big Pharma ; et pour les fumeurs ?’’

Sad news from the UK with an article about how a Father accused of killing family may have been taking anti-smoking drug which coincides with an article from Dr. Michael Siegel from Boston who is calling for the removal of Chantix/Champix from the market.  and in which he exposes the financial conflicts of interest of FDA members and argues’that both the FDA and the anti-smoking groups bear major responsibility in the tragedy of Chantix-related suicide.’’

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