Read more about it here:
Buckeye Liquor Permit Holders Association Asking for Ohio Department of Health Director Wymyslo's Resignation
and here:
The Ohio Miracle: How Statistics Can Be Used to Create an Effect that Isn't There
From Huffington Post – The ''Heart Attack Miracles'' debunked yet again.
Smoking Bans Have No Connection To Heart Attack Rates: Studies
The tavern owners, fraternal organizations and tobacco shops in Delaware are legally challenging some of the long-standing assumptions" about the dangers of second-hand smoke and argue that public health does not get a boost from a smoking ban.
Arguments ready for smoking ban lawsuit
Anti-tobacco researchers of Stirling University in the UK are defying the FOI act on flimsy reasons. What have they got to hide?
Tobacco wars: University of Stirling vs. Phillip Morris Interntional
Canadian tobacco control prostitute themselves to pharmaceutical interests (again):
Canadian National Conference on Tobacco or Health Throws Scientific Integrity Out the Window; Accepts Major Sponsorship from Pfizer
In Canada, graphic warnings that are about to be renewed at the cost of millions of dollars from taxpayers have not decreased smoking prevalence, in fact they increased it.
FDA Analysis Shows that Graphic Cigarette Warning Labels Increased Cigarette Smoking in Canada from 2001-2008
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