Clive Bates
, a public policy adviser to the Welsh Government, is a former director of ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)
Contrary to
many, perhaps even most anti-smoker
advocates who abide by the ''quit or die'' philosophy, he firmly believes that harm
reduced products such as smokeless
tobacco and/or e-cigarettes are a much less risky alternative to those who
refuse or cannot totally give up tobacco.
This link will take you to an open letter he has addressed to the delegates of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, COP-5, who are meeting in Seoul this week to discuss future global tobacco policy.
A few well known anti-tobacco advocates have also echoed his opinion in the comment section that the ''quit or die'' WHO policy is counter-productive and seemingly motivated by interests other than the smoker's health.
This link will take you to an open letter he has addressed to the delegates of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, COP-5, who are meeting in Seoul this week to discuss future global tobacco policy.
A few well known anti-tobacco advocates have also echoed his opinion in the comment section that the ''quit or die'' WHO policy is counter-productive and seemingly motivated by interests other than the smoker's health.
a majority of the delegates at the COP-5 convention will be governed by reason
and evidence ( or lack thereof) and vote
down future policies that are designed to serve the interests of corporate funders of anti-tobacco and die-hard
ideologists, at the detriment of the
people's health.
Related reading on the COP-5 convention: